Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Ch-9 Disc_Wanda Calvin

Ch-9 Disc_Wanda Calvin

Q 1. Under what conditions might horizontal integra- tion be inconsistent with the goal of maximizing profitability? 2. What is the difference between a company’s in- ternal value chain and the industry value chain? What is the relationship between vertical inte- gration and the industry value chain? 3. Why was it profitable for GM and Ford to integrate backward into component-parts manufacturing in the past, and why are both companies now buying more of their parts from outside suppliers? 4. What value creation activities should a company outsource to independent suppliers? What are the risks involved in outsourcing these activities? 4. Which value creation activities can a company outsource to independent supplier 5. What steps would you recommend that a company take to build mutually beneficial, long-term, cooperative relationships with its suppliers?

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Horizontal integration can be done by means of internal expansion, mergers or acquisitions. Horizontal integration is said that it might be inconsistent with the goal of maximizing profitability in a scenario wherein when the two companies or businesses have different and dissimilar goals or aims. As far as horizontal integration is concerned, it is often very difficult and tough to implement. When horizontal integration conflicts with the federal trade commission then it can lead to an increase in prices as well as it can be an abuse of the market power.